Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Philippine Hanging Parrot Captive Breeding Notes

Loriculus philippinensis regulus

The following notes are based on a mature female Loriculus philippinensis regulus, G-8 CUSI and her mate a mature male, G-22 CUSI. The primary aim in posting these notes is to hopefully make the data easily accessible where it was near impossible before, to benefit conservation efforts and aviculture.

Background: G-8 CUSI was bought by former owner from the black market and has been with him for 3 years (unconfirmed) until sold to another owner 05Nov06. Age undetermined. First owner was unable to breed her hence sold her. There was inital concern on G-8 CUSI's conditon since the original owner fed her mostly seeds and minimal fruit. G-22 CUSI is a wild caught specimen.
Subject: G-8 CUSI and mate G-22 CUSI (unconfirmed)


Flight Dimensions: LWH 2.4m X .6m X 1.2m, 1 inch wire mesh, Ga. 16, partially shaded, suspended flight (1.4m from cemented floor). Double walled from other flights of same dimension.

Flight Orientation: West to East, Shaded portion at West end. Communal flight with four other Cusi’s (2 Males, 2 Females). Perches are of Tamarind branches 20-50cm diameter.

Nestbox Dimensions: LWH 230cm X 300cm X 300cm, 12cm plywood, L-Boot type, rear viewing window.

Nestbox Entrance Orientation: Towards North

Nestbox Substrate: Wood shavings, Kapok tree (Duldol) branches.

Feeding Regimen:

Daily: 6:00-7:00 AM Assorted Veggies, Wetmix (Separate plastic dishes, removed at afternoon feeding).
2:00-3:00 PM Fruits, Canary Mix (Separate plastic dishes, removed at morning feeding).

Weekly: Eucalyptus and/or Mulberry leaves and branches.

Occasional: Hibiscus and Coconut flowers, Assorted Palm Fruits, Corn on the Cob.


Veggies: Cucumber, Tomatoes, Chilli peppers, Bell peppers, Rice, Mung bean sprouts.

Fruits: Bananas, Papaya, Apples, Pears, Mangoes, Indian Mangoes, Chico, Native Figs, Water Apple (Macopa/Tambis), Java Plum (Duhat/Lomboy).

Wet mix: Refer to recipe or email me at

Others: Water sprinkler turned on regularly around noon during summer months or at tmperatures around 29-30’C. Feeding dishes cleaned daily, changed twice daily.

(Thanks for the advice and guidance of Pavel Hospodarsky, Tony Vaidl, Helena Zimova, Robert Hererra DVM, Joel Sarmiento)


Unknown said...

nice info

Unknown said... planning to breed to reintroduce some in our area..

Unknown said...

Hi i just recently had 2 of these birds and they are very hard to tame. I’ve read that you need to pet them everyday but it seems like that last time i went to grab them inside their cage they had become very frightened of me. Can you give me advice on how to somehow make then stop being afraid of me? Thanks

Unknown said...

Were you able to breed them successfully?

Unknown said...

Sir how do you now the gender of colasisi fem or male?
Do have pic of adult fem of colasisi and male colasisi?
And how adult colasisi start to breed?

Unknown said...

Female has a blue feather around its peak while the male has a red patch of feather on its head

Unknown said...

Tanx a lot for the info. I'm planing to breed. I have two pair of hanging parrots.

Anonymous said...

Omg. Thank you so much! This is exactly what i needed.

lemmyrichy said...

did they breed successfully ??

Unknown said...

Hi..We a pair of this bird. Just want to ask how do we know they are matting?
Just recently the female always quarrel with the male, especially during Meal.
Thank you.

Unknown said...

Hi how to breed kolasisi?what should i do?

Unknown said...

How to determine the male & female Phil hanging parrot what are their behavior of mating thanks waiting for the response