Monday, June 23, 2008

Weather allowed inspection of nestbox. Chick found dead. Possibly died 19Jun08. Second egg unhatched and upon candling, chick dead in shell, not completely formed. G-8 CUSI might not have been able to maintain proper incubating temperature inside nestbox due to foul weather or due to inexperience. Female continues to beg from male G-22 CUSI (confirmed primary mate). Nestbox almost had equal amounts of shavings and leaves cut by the female. Nestbox was completely dry inside. Both nestboxes cleaned and treated with pyrethrin. Substrate replaced with new shavings. Unhatched egg dimensions: 17mm x 19.5mm

Sunday, June 22, 2008

Female G-8 CUSI seen staying outside of the nestbox.

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Typhoon Fengshen hits Bacolod. Heavy rains and strong winds. Temperatures at 21-25’C

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Boiled chicken egg offered since 14Jun08 but feeding dish attracted large red ants. Boiled egg blended with wetmix and Yakult instead. One wetmix dish left inside aviary to be removed the next day to ensure adequate food for chick feeding. Female G-8 CUSI being fed from nestbox hole and was not seen outside the nestbox.

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

HATCH! Upon inspection of nestbox just after afternoon feeding at 2:30 PM, first chick was observed. Incubation 20 days from 28May08. Female came out earlier to be fed by male than previous days which gave me a chance to peek into nestbox. Second egg still un-hatched, due 20June08.

Saturday, June 14, 2008

Started daily offering of boiled chicken egg. G-8 CUSI did the same behavior pattern as the previous afternoon: came out of the nestbox around 4:30 PM and asked for food from mate as he would regurgitate food for her, when ignored she would do somersaults hanging from the wire mesh, while male fed on fruit again after. Then proceeded on cutting small pieces of Java plum leaves and tucking them to her rump after feeding while male kept close to her. Went back into the nestbox at around 4:45 PM.

Friday, June 13, 2008

Nestbox inspection at 11:30 AM showed two eggs. G-8 CUSI came out of the nestbox to be fed by mate. Given Java plum leaves and fruit at 4:30PM. G-8 CUSI immediately cut off small pieces and tucked them to her rump to bring into the nestbox.

Sunday, June 8, 2008

G-8 CUSI continually incubating eggs. Hardly seen outside the nestbox. G-22 CUSI constantly near the nestbox entrance.

Thursday, June 5, 2008

Nestbox inspection discontinued to avoid possibility of G-8 CUSI abandoning eggs from constant disturbance.

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Nestbox inspection at 8:00 AM showed only two eggs.

Monday, June 2, 2008

Given Java Plum (Lomboy) fruit, leaves and branches. Female came out to chew on leaves. Also given palm flowers. Female increasingly spending more time in the nestbox and coming out mostly to be fed by male. Also sleeping in the nestbox in the evening.

Sunday, June 1, 2008

Mealworms were ignored, minimal consumption of boiled egg.